♪ ❤ ♫ ✿ Kids Songs ❤ ✿ ♫ ♪
All of these videos are good ideal for kids, babies, young children, parents and the whole family. Songs are made to keep your little ones entertained while encouraging them to listen and learn.
Kid's song may be a nursery rhyme set to music, a song that young little invent and share among themselves, or a modern creation intended for entertainment, use in the home, or educational. Kids songs makes kids to enjoy,sing,dance to the foot tapping awesome music and engaging animations. Although kid’s songs have been recorded and studied in some cultures more than others, they appear to be universal in general society.
Track Listing :-
✿ Do Re Mi - Music Man (Medley) | nursery rhymes & children songs with lyrics
✿ Walking In The Jungle
✿ Bob, The Train - Alphabet Adventure
✿ Learning Game for Kids - Little Xylophone (teach toddlers basic music skills)
✿ Ten Little Indians - Nursery Rhymes
✿ Driving in My Car
✿ The Shapes Song
✿ Kids Learn Clothing Vocabulary
✿ What's the Time?
✿ Collection of Color Songs - Learn Colours for Preschool, Kindergarten, Toddlers and Babies
✿ The Flower Song for children (lullaby for learning colors)
✿ Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery Rhyme
✿ Old MacDonald Had A Farm
✿ Numbers Song - children songs
✿ If You're Happy and You Know It
✿ BINGO from Super Simple Songs
✿ Nursery Rhymes Collection Vol 1 | 40 Nursery Rhymes For Children
✿ Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round Rhyme
✿ Humpty Dumpty - Nursery Rhymes
✿ Ten In The Bed
✿ Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
✿ Finger Family | Nursery Rhyme
✿ Learn to count with Number Zoo | Fun zoo animals: Lions, Elephants, Monkeys. Count 1 - 10 kids
✿ Incy Wincy Spider - Nursery Rhymes HD
✿ London Bridge Is Falling Down - Kids songs and Nursery Rhymes
✿ Baa Baa Black Sheep with Lyrics
DISCLAIMER : The content of this app are powered by YOUTUBE. This app just provides links to access the videos in an organized way and we are not responsible for any copyright issues as the app gives access to YOUTUBE videos AVAILABLE ON PUBLIC DOMAIN as is.♪ ❤ ♫ ✿ Lagu Anak ❤ ✿ ♫ ♪
Semua video ini sangat ideal baik untuk anak-anak, bayi, anak-anak, orang tua dan seluruh keluarga. Lagu-lagu yang dibuat untuk menjaga anak-anak kecil Anda terhibur saat mendorong mereka untuk mendengarkan dan belajar.
Lagu anak mungkin sajak pembibitan mengatur musik, lagu yang sedikit muda menciptakan dan berbagi di antara mereka sendiri, atau ciptaan modern yang ditujukan untuk hiburan, gunakan di rumah, atau pendidikan. Anak lagu membuat anak-anak untuk menikmati, menyanyi, menari kaki menekan musik yang mengagumkan dan animasi menarik. Meskipun lagu-lagu anak-anak telah dicatat dan dipelajari dalam beberapa budaya lebih dari yang lain, mereka muncul untuk menjadi universal dalam masyarakat umum.
Lacak Listing: -
✿ Do Re Mi - Music Man (Medley) | nursery sajak & lagu anak-anak dengan lirik
✿ Walking In The Jungle
✿ Bob, kereta api The - Alphabet Petualangan
✿ Learning Game for Kids - Sedikit Gambang (mengajarkan balita keterampilan musik dasar)
✿ Ten Little Indians - Nursery Rhymes
✿ Mengemudi di My Car
✿ The Shapes Lagu
✿ Anak Belajar Pakaian Kosakata
✿ Apa Waktu itu?
✿ Collection of Color Songs - Pelajari Warna untuk Preschool, TK, Balita dan Bayi
✿ The Flower Lagu untuk anak-anak (pengantar tidur untuk warna belajar)
✿ Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery Rhyme
✿ Old MacDonald Had A Pertanian
✿ Numbers Lagu - lagu anak-anak
✿ Jika Anda Happy and You Know It
✿ BINGO dari super Songs Sederhana
✿ Nursery Rhymes Koleksi Vol 1 | 40 Nursery Rhymes Untuk Anak
✿ Roda di Bus Go Round and Round Rhyme
✿ Humpty Dumpty - Nursery Rhymes
✿ Sepuluh Dalam Bed
✿ Twinkle twinkle Little Star
✿ Finger Keluarga | Nursery Rhyme
✿ Belajar menghitung dengan Zoo Nomor | Fun hewan kebun binatang: Lions, Gajah, monyet. Menghitung 1 - 10 anak-anak
✿ Incy Wincy Spider - Nursery Rhymes HD
✿ London Bridge Apakah Falling Down - Anak lagu dan Nursery Rhymes
✿ Baa Baa Black Sheep dengan Lyrics
DISCLAIMER: Isi dari aplikasi ini yang didukung oleh YOUTUBE. Aplikasi ini hanya menyediakan link untuk mengakses video secara terorganisasi dan kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas masalah hak cipta sebagai aplikasi memberikan akses ke video YOUTUBE TERSEDIA ON PUBLIC DOMAIN seperti.